994 research outputs found

    Monitorización de datos de calidad de aire

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    Cada vez más somos testigos del despliegue de redes de sensores que miden el estado del entorno en el que vivimos. Estas redes aportan grandes volúmenes de información en formatos y escalas muy diversas. Encontramos ejemplos de datos de diversa naturaleza, desde condiciones climáticas, hasta concentraciones de elementos contaminantes debido a la actividad humana como el transporte, y la industria. En este trabajo describimos como la publicación de estos datos mediante servicios que proporcionen un acceso estructurado y basado en estándares permite una mejor integración de estos datos, tanto para su visualización desde diversas plataformas (web o móvil) como para su consumo mediante procesos de análisis que permitan extraer valor añadido y asistir en la toma de decisiones. Uno de los principales objetivos es incrementar la interoperabilidad de acceso a estos datos y que un usuario a través de diferentes dispositivos pueda conocer en tiempo real las condiciones de una ubicación concreta.We are progressively witnessing how more and more sensor networks measure the environment where we live. These networks provide big data volumes in different formats and scales. We find examples of very diverse data, be it from climatic conditions to the levels of concentration of polluting elements following the human activity, such as those related to transport and industries. This article describes how the publication of this data through services providing a structured and standard-based access allows a better integration of the said data, both for its visualisation from different platforms (web, or mobile devices) and its consumption through analysis processes allowing to extract added value and assist in the decision making process. One of its main aims is to increase the interoperability of access to this data so that any user may know in real time and through different devices the conditions of a given location

    Approach to Facilitating Geospatial Data and Metadata Publication Using a Standard Geoservice

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    Nowadays, the existence of metadata is one of the most important aspects of effective discovery of geospatial data published in Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs). However, due to lack of efficient mechanisms integrated in the data workflow, to assist users in metadata generation, a lot of low quality and outdated metadata are stored in the catalogues. This paper presents a mechanism for generating and publishing metadata through a publication service. This mechanism is provided as a web service implemented with a standard interface called a web processing service, which improves interoperability between other SDI components. This work extends previous research, in which a publication service has been designed in the framework of the European Directive Infrastructure for Spatial Information in Europe (INSPIRE) as a solution to assist users in automatically publishing geospatial data and metadata in order to improve, among other aspects, SDI maintenance and usability. Also, this work adds more extra features in order to support more geospatial formats, such as sensor data.Sergio Trilles has been funded by the postdoctoral programme Vali+d (GVA) (grant number APOSTD/2016/058). This work has been funded by the European Commission through the GEO-C project (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2014, Grant Agreement number 642332, http://www.geo-c.eu/)

    Monte Carlo Simulation: Methods and Applications

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    En el ámbito de las matemáticas y la ingeniería aparecen frecuentemente integrales multidimensionales que son difíciles de resolver. Se puede solventar este problema proporcionando estimadores puntuales e intervalos de confianza para el valor determinado de la integral usando técnicas de muestreo. En este trabajo, estudiaremos el método Monte Carlo básico y algunas variantes, como el muestreo por importancia, que lo hacen más eficiente. Además, ilustramos la técnica con diversas aplicaciones en estadística bayesiana, optimización estocástica y teoría de juegos.Complex multidimensional integral calculus can be found often in the field of mathematics and engineering. This issue can be solved providing point estimates and confidence intervals to the particular value of the integral by using sampling techniques. In the presented academic work, the basic Monte Carlo method, as well as some of its variants that make it more efficient, such as the Importance Sampling, has been investigated. Moreover, the technique has been illustrated with diverse applications to Bayesian statistics, stochastic optimization and game theory

    Geospatial information infrastructures to address spatial needs in health: Collaboration, challenges and opportunities

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    Most health-related issues such as public health outbreaks and epidemiological threats are better understood from a spatial–temporal perspective and, clearly demand related geospatial datasets and services so that decision makers may jointly make informed decisions and coordinate response plans. Although current health applications support a kind of geospatial features, these are still disconnected from the wide range of geospatial services and datasets that geospatial information infrastructures may bring into health. In this paper we are questioning the hypothesis whether geospatial information infrastructures, in terms of standards-based geospatial services, technologies, and data models as operational assets already in place, can be exploited by health applications for which the geospatial dimension is of great importance. This may be certainly addressed by defining better collaboration strategies to uncover and promote geospatial assets to the health community. We discuss the value of collaboration, as well as the opportunities that geographic information infrastructures offer to address geospatial challenges in health applications

    Construyendo un sistema de indexación y búsqueda de recursos georreferenciados

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    Comunicació presentada a les VI Jornadas SIG Libre celebrades a Girona, els dies 21, 22 i 23 de març de 2012La cantidad y variedad de recursos georreferenciados disponibles en la web crece día a día. Este hecho demuestra el interés de los usuarios y el papel fundamental que la información con contexto geográfico juega en la sociedad. Actualmente existen numerosos servicios Web especializados en tipos concretos de recursos como imágenes, video o texto que nos permiten realizar búsquedas en base a una localización. Por otra parte, de manera más formal, en el contexto de los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) se han realizado grandes esfuerzos en generar grandes catálogos de metadatos. Sin embargo, debido entre otros, a que la generación y publicación de metadatos es un proceso manual, existe una escasez de ellos y aún resulta complicado encontrar contenidos georreferenciados relevantes de una forma integrada y sencilla. Podemos tomar como referencia el mundo web, donde inicialmente era muy complicado encontrar los contenidos que eran relevantes. La revolución llego con los buscadores, empresas como Yahoo! o Google se dieron cuenta de las deficiencias del sistema y empezaron a recopilar ellos mismos información de cada recurso cuyos creadores dejaban accesible. Esta labor es realizada por los conocidos robots o crawlers, que se dedican a recorrer sistemáticamente los recursos disponibles con el fin de obtener de ellos el máximo de información (metadatos) que su tecnología les permite. En base a estos metadatos se podrán indexar los recursos de una forma más exacta y eficiente proporcionando resultados más relevantes y exactos a las búsquedas realizadas por los usuarios. Tal ha sido el éxito de estos buscadores que hoy es inimaginable la búsqueda de información y la navegación por la red sin acceder a alguno de estos servicios. Por ello, en este trabajo se presenta una primera aproximación para desarrollar un sistema de indexación y búsqueda de recursos georreferenciados. Mediante este sistema se pretende mejorar el descubrimiento y consecuentemente la accesibilidad a la información, nuestro objetivo inicial.Este trabajo ha sido parcialmente financiado por una beca predoctoral de la Universitat Jaume I (PREDOC/2008/06), por una ayuda de movilidad de la Fundació Caixa Castelló-Bancaixa (E-2011-12) y por el proyecto “España Virtual” (ref. CENIT 2008-1030) a través del Instituto Geográfico Nacional (IGN) de España

    Web 2.0 Broker: A standards-based service for spatio-temporal search of crowd-sourced information

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    Recent trends in information technology show that citizens are increasingly willing to share information using tools provided by Web 2.0 and crowdsourcing platforms to describe events that may have social impact. This is fuelled by the proliferation of location-aware devices such as smartphones and tablets; users are able to share information in these crowdsourcing platforms directly from the field at real time, augmenting this information with its location. Afterwards, to retrieve this information, users must deal with the different search mechanisms provided by the each Web 2.0 services. This paper explores how to improve on the interoperability of Web 2.0 services by providing a single service as a unique entry to search over several Web 2.0 services in a single step. This paper demonstrates the usefulness of the Open Geospatial Consortium's OpenSearch Geospatial and Time specification as an interface for a service that searches and retrieves information available in crowdsourcing services. We present how this information is valuable in complementing other authoritative information by providing an alternative, contemporary source. We demonstrate the intrinsic interoperability of the system showing the integration of crowd-sourced data in different scenarios

    Assisted Generation and Publication of Geospatial Metadata

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    Ponència presentada en AGILE’2012 International Conference on Geographic Information Science, "Multidisciplinary Research on Geographical Information in Europe and Beyond" celebrat a Avignon, els dies 24-27 d'abril de 2012Today, the existence of metadata is one of the most important factors for the effective discovery of geospatial data published in Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI). However, due to the lack of efficient tools, integrated in the user?s daily workflow to assist users in generating metadata, little metadata is produced. This paper presents a mechanism for generating and publishing metadata with a Publication Service. This method is provided as a web service implemented with a standard-base interface, the Web Processing Service (WPS) specification to improve its interoperability with other SDI components. This paper extends previous research regarding the design of a Publication Service within the framework of the European Directive INSPIRE as a solution to assist users in publishing geospatial data and metadata automatically in order to improve, among others, SDI maintenance and usability

    Open Source Based Deployment of Environmental Data into Geospatial Information Infrastructures

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    Today, scientists use local and closed geospatial solutions to run their models and store their results. This may limit their ability to share their models, and results with other interested colleagues. This scenario is changing with the advent of new factors such as the rapid growth and rise of open source projects, or new paradigms promoted by government organizations to manage environmental data, such as Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) directive, or the massive use of Web 2.0 techniques where users are looking for applications with a high degree of collaboration, interactiveness, and multimedia effects. Many authors address the versatility of Spatial Data Infrastructures where resources are shared and accessed via standard service according to complex specifications. In this context, the authors point out the need to merge the traditional building and maintenance of these infrastructures, driven by official providers, with these more participative methodologies where users can participate in creating and integrating information. It seems necessary to develop new geospatial tools which integrate these new trends. This paper proposes a unified solution offering to the scientific field an open development framework, based on standards and philosophies focused on new technologies and scientific needs

    Análisis del comportamiento de la curva característica de humedad en geo materiales intermedios sometidos a diferentes niveles de estrés térmico

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    El resumen principal de este trabajo se enfoca en evaluar los cambios en la curva característica de humedad lograda con diferentes métodos de secado, y diferentes métodos de medición de succión. Para esto se analizaron las curvas características de humedad midiendo la succión por medio del papel filtro y el equipo WP4C (potenciómetro para determinar el punto de rocío) sobre muestras de dos tipos de rocas blancas (geo-materiales intermedios) y arenas (Guamo y Ottawa), que fueron secadas por medios de cinco metodologías comúnmente usadas en laboratorio (secado al medio ambiente, lámparas halógenas, microondas, honor convencional y cámara térmica).The summary of this work focuses on assessing Changes in soil water characteristic curve achieved with different methods of drying , and different methods of measurement of suction. This characteristic curves for Moisture measuring the suction through filter paper and equipment WP4C (water potential meter) on samples from two types of White Rocks (intermediate geo Materials) Sands ( Guamo and Ottawa), Which Were dried Media five commonly used laboratory methodologies (drying the Environment, halogen lamps , microwave, conventional honor and thermal Camera).Ingeniero (a) CivilPregrad